Pedagogy at

French-Language schools

Across Canada, people of all ages can and want to learn in French.

The PSELF is the roadmap for French-language minority education in Canada. This roadmap aims to put in place the means to complete the educational continuum… from birth and throughout life.

Mobilizing key partners in French-first-language education in Canada.


We express our commitment to a common goal through sustained involvement, the sharing of ideas and best practices, and synergy of actions.


We work together to implement the Strategic plan in a climate that encourages the free expression of opinions and mutual respect.


We dare to rethink, act and change, drawing on ingenuity and resourcefulness, as well as acquiring knowledge from lessons learned and promising best practices.


We develop a sense of belonging that enables us to identify with a collective where listening and respect reign, as well as express ourselves and exert our influence within this collective.


Teaching and learning

Promote full linguistic and cultural integration in an inclusive environment by enriching pedagogy through formal, non-formal and informal learning.

Attraction and retention

Focus on strategies to attract and retain learners in French-language establishments.

Educational Capacity

Increase human and material resources to offer quality French-language education.

Strategic goals

Make every educational establishment the anchor point for linguistic security.

Update identity-building, from concept to delivery.

Cultivating an inclusive, plural Francophonie.

Increase and diversify the range of programs and services.

Strategic goals

Persuade learners of all ages to give prioritize a French-language education.

Encourage learners to pursue their education in French throughout their lives.

Strategic goals

Recruit and retain qualified staff.

Develop and strengthen infrastructures.

Across Canada, people of all ages can and want to learn in French.


Do you have what it takes to teach or work in a French-language school in Canada? Thousands of positions are available for qualified teachers, specialists, administrative and support staff.

Find out what employers are looking for, see the testimonial
of teachers and a parent on their choice to work and send their child to a French-language school in a minority context in Canada.