French language education in

The Yukon French-Language School Board has 3 programs and 391 students. École Émilie-Tremblay teaches 4 years kindergarten to grade 6, Centre scolaire secondaire communautaire Paul-Émile-Mercier teaches grades 7 to 12 and École Nomade offers home schooling from kindergarten to grade 12. No other school board in this territory offers full-time French-language teaching. French-language teaching is offered in Whitehorse and its surroundings. Services offered by the French-language school board include:

  • Full-time kindergarten and preschool
  • A daycare service and a summer camp
  • A curriculum for teenagers based on fine arts and the outdoors
  • Partnerships with the local francophone community
  • A remedial French program for students

French services in the Yukon related to postsecondary education, literacy and adult continuing education are provided by the Association franco-yukonaise.

Employment opportunities: Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon no 23