Welcome to the

Northwest Territories

3% of the population speak French as their first language and the bilingualism rate is 10.3%.

The highest proportions of francophones are in Yellowknife, Hay River and Norman Wells.

The Commission scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (CSFTNO) has two schools attended by 234 students from pre-school to grade 12. The CSFTNO is the only school board in the Northwest Territories to offer the French as a First Language program. The school board serves the communities of Yellowknife and Hay River. Services offered by the French-language school board include:

  • Full-time junior kindergarten and childcare services at Allain St-Cyr school in Yellowknife
  • Full-time junior kindergarten at Boréale school in Hay River
  • Teachers specialized in English, Physical Education and Computer Technology
  • A support program for students
  • Various cultural and identity building activities for students
  • A full range of courses, including home economics and trade courses
  • An aboriginal program which includes projects with a hands-on approach.

Admission / Registration:

Commission scolaire francophone Territoires-du-Nord-Ouest

Commission scolaire francophone Territoires-du-Nord-Ouest

For post-secondary education, literacy and adult training, please use the search engine to find out what’s available in your province or territory.